Nabytki 2017
Książki zgłoszone do zakupu przez Katedry i Zakłady WNEThe measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods
The great escape: health, wealth, and the origins of inequality
The political economy of world trading system: the WTO and beyond
Understanding DSGE models: theory and applocations
Agent-based models in economics: a toolkit
Contingent valuation of environmental goods: a comprehensive critique
The economics of World War II: six great powers in international comparison
The economics of World War I
Bayesian estimation of DSGE models
Dynamic modeling and applications for global economic anaysis
The social impact of the arts: an intellectual history
Manoeuvring at the margins: constraints faced by small states in international trade negotiations
Behind the scenes at the WTO: the real world of international trade negotiations, lessons of Cancun
Identiti neconomics: how our identities shape our work, wages, and well-being
Ład przedsiębiorstwa rodzinnego: doświadczenia światowe oraz zalecenia dla Polski
Introduction to dynamic macroeconomic general equilibrium models
Schumpeterian analysis of economic catch-up: knowledge, path-creation, and the middle-income trap
The spread of modern industry the periphery since 1871
Judgement, decision making and success in sport
Interest and prices: foundations of a theory of monetary policy
Globalization & technology: Interpendence, innovation systems and industrial policy
Modern evolitionary economics: an overview
The economic history of China: from antiquity to the nineteenth century
The British industrial revolution in global perspective
Information systems theory: explaining and predicting our digital society, Vol. 1